Conejito Hand Woven Woolen Creature

Conejito Hand Woven Woolen Creature


AWW, this is the very cutest rabbit and carrot combo!

Made from woolen textiles hand woven, cut, stuffed and stitched in front of our eyes in the Santo Domingo market by a Tsostil abuelita from San Juan Chamula, less than an hour into the forests from San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

We have spent this past year based in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas in southern Mexico. Our time has been focused on building artistic relationships and expanding our understanding of the region. Chiapas is one of the top producing regions of cacao in modern day Mexico as it has been traditionally for thousands of years. As chocolate makers we have had the honor to produce Fortuna chocolate with this very special legacy crop and are excited to share additional items crafted by indigenous community in Chiapas.

The Santo Domingo market in San Cristóbal De Las Casas is a sprawling labyrinth of tarps and stalls selling handmade art. Situated on the steps of a large colonial church, indigenous Mayan artisans from the highland regions sell the art made in their communities as well as items crafted on site at the marketplace. Each item is unique and you can expect variations as a testament to the presence of a human hand in each piece.

size : 6” x 2” x 4”

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